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down size造句

"down size"是什么意思  
  • Driving down size " opens up new opportunities, " he said.
  • That claim has since been down sized to a mere $ 1 million.
  • "What we've done is streamline and down size the organization.
  • Those workers on the floor also bear the brunt of bad decisions when companies euphemistically " down size " to cut costs.
  • Oftel, the U . K .'s one-commissioner communications agency offers a possible model, he said, with its pared-down size and limited authority.
  • Meanwhile, Boeing was struggling with " bad deliveries, not being able to manufacture aircraft to the right schedule, not enough personnel, too much down sizing.
  • On 30 May 2012, the new Queensland Premier Campbell Newman announced plans for a slightly down sized Northbank with some government offices and a boardwalk.
  • Having been prompted by Hart, now everyone, from Hicks to the players, down size all public comments to that " being competitive " goal for 2002.
  • Arthur said his administration " does not support down sizing as a corporate strategy " because Barbados'job market is too small to absorb the workers let go.
  • Despite the confusion created by this lack of a standard, Owens said it's not likely retailers will pin down sizing to an exact science of inches anytime soon.
  • It's difficult to see down size in a sentence. 用down size造句挺难的
  • Externally, Mirage Hunter looks identical to Sea Shadow ( IX-529 ), albet on a much scaled down size, and both ship adopts the same small-waterplane-area twin hull design.
  • CBS on August 27, 2015 began down sizing their stations in Los Angeles, at which point Charlie moved on to expand his syndicated radio business with CharlieTunaSyndication . com.
  • Despite its scaled down size, the Paris show boasts a masterpiece not shown in New York-a portrait of dealer Ambroise Vollard from 1910 on loan from Moscow's Pushkin Museum.
  • As of 2014 nearly bankrupt down sized sold off property in Scotland to pay debt engineering side went in to liquidation and started trading under new name "'Compaction UK " '.
  • Its current 192-core CSX700 processor was released in 2008, but a lack of sales has forced the company to down size and it has since delisted from the London stock exchange.
  • I have have already uploaded the image, but have not figured out how to link to it or make a scaled down size version of it appear on the page I am editing.
  • _New York, New York ( 2, 020 rooms ) replicates in scaled-down size a chunk of the Big Apple skyline complete with Brooklyn Bridge, Coney Island roller coaster and the Statue of Liberty.
  • The Galileo mission comes at a time when much is at stake for JPL as NASA begins a $ 4.6 billion down sizing effort that is certain to lead to major staff reductions at the Pasadena-based institution.
  • If we agree to leave the article at the pared down size / ability, with none of the " in-jokes " that you mentioned in the previous versions, would the Relevance / Jargon tags be able to be removed?
  • Johnson was brought to Dallas by the then new Cowboys owner, Jerry Jones, who instituted a management style not unlike the harsh cuts and dramatic reductions we often see outside of sports as corporations down size and cut away.
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